Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Psalm 139 - examining the inside

Psalm 139.... Taking lead from the Psalmist and asking God to try me, and know my thoughts, is in my part a request that asks for divine intervention in examining more than what sits on the surface for everyone else to see, but what it is that is growing at the roots of my character.

It doesn’t take much thought to conclude that it is from this place, deep within, that our character is truly revealed. We can manipulate our character in a way that allows it to look good in front of others but how much more fulfilling would it be if our character was to look good in front of our own eyes and the eyes of our creator, not from any manipulation on our part but from an honest reflection of our hearts. Part of the beauty of our situation is that we don’t have to journey along this road by ourselves, but that when we look ahead, behind and all around God is there, a reassuring presence that overflows from this relationship. I pray that I can allow this relationship to define me and to do it from the inside out.

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