Friday, 27 February 2009

My artist of the week - Friday February 27th - Erin McCarley

Well, i thought i might as well put my endless listening of music to a less selfish use and stick what i view to be the most entertaining music of the week up here. This weeks addition is Erin McCarley, she has a great voice and some fantastic melodies to back it up. Starting to make a name for herself across the pond, McCarley has songs hitting big U.S tv shows and movies (none other than 'He's just not that in too you', which ashamedly i have seen, but in my defence was dragged by Karen and Jess kicking and screaming) so it probably wont be too long before she gets a bit more recognised in the uk. I particularly like 'gotta figure this out', but go and have a listen for yourself....

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Its at times like this you suddenly become British over Irish

This believe it or not is a true news story from Reuters, how embarassing - Irish police have
solved the mystery of a Polish recidivist who clocked up 50 traffic offenses on different addresses and who was never caught, after one officer noticed his name meant driving license in Polish.

An internal police memo cited by Irish papers Thursday said officers taking details of Polish traffic offenders had been mistakenly using "Prawo Jazdy," printed in the top right corner of the driving license, as the holder's name.

"Prawo Jazdy is actually the Polish for driving license and not the first and surname on the license," the police memo dated June 2007 said. "It is quite embarrassing to see the system has created Prawo Jazdy as a person with over 50 identities."

A police spokesman declined to comment on the reports.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Let there be light

The joy of having a Blackberry is the endless information that can be yours at the touch of a button, and forget even having to go to the bother of opening up a web page anymore as the joy of the RSS feed is upon us. (Reading that last sentence has made me realise that I really, well and truly, am a geek, although let me continue) With the acquisition of my new Blackberry, I downloaded myself an RSS reader and it really is quite addictive, this sounds like proper rock and roll, addicted to information, it starts of with maybe a bit of BBC news, BBC sports news and the weather, but before I knew it, it was Recipe of the day,’s word of the day and quotes of the day which were gaining my undivided attention. But in amidst my RSS dependence comes this, which really was quite interesting and made me think.

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.”

The quote was made by an American talk show host/comedian but when I thought about it, it just made me realise that although in my humanity I may not understand much of who God is or why he does what he does, which in many ways adds to the mystery and beauty of my faith, God is a God of logic, and does things that make sense. As we read in Genesis chapter 1 after God created the heavens and the earth, God did make light, which surely helped with the making of everything that was to come. The truth is, God in his divine nature would have been able to make everything in the dark, but chose not to, which just gave me this lovely glimpse of order being part of the way God does things. Reaffirming my belief that things don’t just happen by chance, they happen because God planned them to happen that way.